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Olympus trekking self-guided 2024
Travel code: OPWT314I
Tour type: Hiking-strenuous
Travel type: Self-guided trekking
Area: Olympus mountain
Number of days: 7 (may be extended with rest days)

You may extend your stay in every accommodation for a rest day.

We can book a hotel for you in Thessaloniki for a city trip. Close to the airport is the commuting and beach town Perea, very suitable for a beach extension.

From Thessaloniki you may easily reach the Pindos area (bus to Ioannina) or the Pilion (bus to Volos). In both areas we offer hiking tours with various levels of difficulty and duration.

You may also combine the arrangement with (parts of) other tours we offer. We’ll gladly help you with the logistics.

For all your wishes: ask for advice and an estimate!