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Semi-trekking Corfu self-guided 2024
Travel code: IKWM214I
Tour type: Hiking-medium
Travel type: Self-guided semi-trekking
Area: Corfu island
Number of days: 8 (to be extended)
Tour description

(Click here for the complete tour description as document.)

Corfu (or Kerkyra) belongs to the Ionian Islands. These are located on the west side of the Greek mainland in the Ionian Sea and are greener than most Greek islands.

On the island you’ll find lots of olive trees (6-10 million!) and high-quality olive oil is produced. Another local product is the kumquat, a small citrus fruit, which is conserved and used for a lovely liqueur.

The tour partly follows the Corfu Trail. The total length of the Corfu Trail is more than 200 kilometers, running from the southernmost to the northernmost tip of Corfu in 11 stages.

The walks in this tour partly follow the Corfu Trail. We call it a semi-trekking, because you stay several days in one accommodation and then move on.

It’s a tour for people who are curious to the nature and hinterland of a well-known holiday island or for whom the complete Corfu Trail may be just a bit too much.

Corfu Trail waymarking northeast coast cobbled footpath

About the walks
The net walking time is between 3½ and 5 hours (excluding the breaks). The terrain alternates between rough footpaths, cobbled mule paths (kalderimia), gravel roads and tracks, minor roads and beaches. You’ll walk along mountain slopes and summits, through olive groves, taking in typically Corfiotic villages in the north of the island.