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Dodekanese islands: Kos and Leros 2024
Travel code: DKWH224I
Tour type: Hiking-medium
Travel type: Self-guided semi-trekking
Area: Dodekanese islands
Number of days: 8 (may be extended)
Tour description

(click here for the complete tour description document.)

The islands Kos and Leros are situated in the south-east part of the Aegean Sea, just out of the Turkish west coast. The region is well known for it’s moderate climate. The islands are surprisingly green and due to numerous unpaved paths perfectly suitable for hiking.

departure from Mastichari windmills Kos Kos Town Agios Isidoros

General tour information
The first 2 nights are spent on Kos in the village Mastichari. On the 3th day you sail via Kalymnos, island of the sponge-divers, to Leros. On Kalymnos you have a short stop-over to taste the atmosphere of the island and maybe make a short walk. On Leros you’ll spend 3 nights in the harbour town Lakki. You return to Kos, where you’ll stay another 2 nights in the capital Kos Town.

About the walks
Most walks are 3½ to 5 hour net walking time. The paths and country roads generally are in good condition. There may be loose stones though and some parts may be steep.

We thus recommend you to start the tour well trained and prepared with well worn-in ankle-high walking boots.

It’s a tour for people who seek a variety of islands and like to explore the inner land by foot.